Pioneer in the development of GPS navigation and telematics software solutions
MIREO has been developing and selling technologically advanced solutions for GPS tracking, navigation and telematics since 2001, right up to complete fleet management systems.
MIREO's comprehends

- State of the art GPS navigation software and telematics services, with more than 20 million licenses sold worldwide. Global solution for all markets in all continents. Mireocompilesmap database ofmore than 130 countries worldwide: Embedded GPS navigation for existing and future infotainment systems.
- White label Smartphone GPS Navigation to be used stand alone or connected to the vehicle infotainment system. Keeps the solution up to date and enables a smooth and cost effective integration of fleet management systems

- MireoFleet: Industry-leading fleet management and business intelligence solution
- Technology for collecting, indexing and storing georeferenced data from millions of vehicles. Query engine for georeferenced data base analyses, capable to handle PB (petabytes) of data
- Technology for fetching and broadcasting ADAS information